Monday, March 29, 2010

09. Megan Estes. Self Portrait.

(For full image, click above or

I explained in class the ideas behind this, but I'll briefly reiterate. It was hard for me to come up with an idea for a self-portrait because I think it's nearly impossible to fully communicate yourself to other people. They will always read into the things you do, or write different personalities and interpretations onto you. You can try to combat these, or to clarify who you are against or alongside these impressions, but they will never truly go away.

In the bottom row of photos, I've smeared the writing on my arms and chest, and off of most of my face. But it's still there.

I tried to not implicate the writings as good or bad, and not to demonize or praise them. But I think it's important to be aware of them as existing, whether good or bad or both or neither. They just are.

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