Wednesday, February 24, 2010

6 - Jonah Kagan: I'm it, @ ion

So back in the 60s when I used to drop acid all the time, I used to love to stare at words and watch them twist and melt and bleed together. After I cleaned up my act, I found a certain comfort in the work of Wes Wilson. So naturally I picked this concert poster of his to copy:

Reading Benjamin's essay made me consider the place of artwork like Wilson's. Copying it gave me a sense of just how much effort and precision actually goes into a piece like this. But its purpose is to announce a concert - it is a medium designed to convey information to the viewer. However, this particular concert came and went, yet the poster is what people remembered. Even though this poster was mechanically reproduced at the time, it is now considered a more pure form of art. Is it just time that separates the two? Why aren't we grabbing posters off building walls and keeping them for ourselves? Surely someday some misguided student will think its a good idea to try to copy one of them...

Anyway, here's my dose of psychedelic for the day:

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